Angelface® White Summer Snapdragon Angelonia hybrid
- Sun
- Spring
- Summer

18 - 30 Inches10 - 14 Inches12 - 18 Inches46cm - 76cm25cm - 36cm30cm - 46cmFeatures
Blooms all season, heat and drought tolerant, no dead-heading necessary.
Fragrant FoliageContinuous Bloom or RebloomerLong BloomingHeat TolerantDeadheading Not NecessaryResists:DeerCharacteristics
Plant Type:AnnualHeight Category:MediumGarden Height:18 - 30 Inches 46cm - 76cmSpacing:10 - 14 Inches 25cm - 36cmSpread:12 - 18 Inches 30cm - 46cmFlower Colors:WhiteFoliage Colors:GreenFoliage Shade:GreenHabit:UprightContainer Role:ThrillerPlant Needs
Light Requirement:SunThe optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours).
Maintenance Category:EasyBloom Time:Planting To FrostHardiness Zones:10a, 10b, 11a, 11bWater Category:AverageSoil Fertility Requirement:Average SoilUses:Border PlantUses:ContainerUses:Cut FlowerUses:LandscapeUses:Mass PlantingUses Notes:Use in combinations, window boxes and landscaping. Angelface are great long-lasting cut flowers with a slight grape soda fragrance. Try some in a flower arrangement this year and see for yourself!
Maintenance Notes:Angelonia are heat-loving plants that will grow most vigorously and bloom best when the heat is on. They are plants best planted in mid-spring or later, since they won't really grow until the temperatures warm up. Angelonia is versitile in that it will tolerate wet feet and also short periods of dryness. The plants are easy care with no deadheading needed for continuous bloom. A bit of plant food or some compost in a garden bed are usually all that is needed for these plants to thrive. Due to their heat-loving nature, they are one of the plants that can be planted even during the heat of midsummer.
Angelface® White Angelonia hybrid 'ANGAF19202' USPPAF -
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