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In this article, we’ve gathered all of the tips you’ll need to know about growing petunias, calibrachoa and verbena in your containers and landscape all in one convenient place. Check it out, then bookmark the page for future reference.
Gomphrena plant blooms continuously from early summer to frost, adding long-lasting color to the landscape.
With fancy foliage and long-blooming flowers, begonias add nonstop color to outdoor landscapes and home interiors.
Purple petunias come in a variety of hues, from pastel lavender to vivid magenta, complementing most other colors and suiting any mood or garden style.
Looking to add more native plants that will help support the birds who call your garden home? This is a great place to start.
When the weather gets cold and there is less work to be done outside in your garden, it's time to get your gardening fix indoors. There are so many fun leafjoy houseplants to discover, but that's just one way to enjoy plants inside. In this article, we'll show you 12 different ideas on how to use evergreens, plants with colorful stems, berry-producing shrubs and houseplants to liven up your indoor spaces.
Grow this exotic-looking tropical plant with eye-catching foliage indoors as a houseplant or outdoors during warmer weather.
Pick your perfect houseplant
Houseplants, like people, have unique personalities and needs. Some are easy-going and can live anywhere. Some thrive on a schedule. Others are stubborn and dramatic when they don’t get their way or their water.
leafjoy® by Proven Winners understands that plants flourish when adopted by plant parents whose personalities and attentiveness align with their needs.
Red twig dogwoods are easy-care deciduous shrubs that contribute color to the landscape in all four seasons.
Gardeners play an important role in helping wildlife thrive in suburban and urban settings in the wintertime. Even when they are dormant, our gardens can support all kinds of living creatures. Learn about the different kinds of plants to include in your garden that will help wildlife survive the winter.