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Black & Blue Salvia guaranitica

Flower Season
  • Spring
  • Summer
Mature Size
3'4" 2' 1.0m 61cm
Height: 2'6" - 3'4"
Spread: 20" - 2'
Height: 76cm - 1.0m
Spread: 51cm - 61cm
Proven Selections
  • Details

    30 - 40 Inches
    20 - 24 Inches
    20 - 24 Inches
    76cm - 1.0m
    51cm - 61cm
    51cm - 61cm


    Electric blue flowers contrast sharply with the black stems in summer

    Fragrant Foliage
    Heat Tolerant
    Drought Tolerant


    Plant Type: 
    Height Category: 
    Garden Height: 
    30 - 40 Inches 76cm - 1.0m
    20 - 24 Inches 51cm - 61cm
    20 - 24 Inches 51cm - 61cm
    Flower Colors: 
    Flower Shade: 
    Foliage Colors: 
    Foliage Shade: 
    Dark Green
    Container Role: 

    Plant Needs

    Light Requirement: 
    Part Sun to Sun

    The optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours).

    Maintenance Category: 
    Bloom Time: 
    Hardiness Zones: 
    7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b, 10a, 10b
    Water Category: 
    Uses Notes: 

    Use in beds, borders and large containers; attracts hummingbirds

    Maintenance Notes: 

    Deadheading will encourage repeat blooming.

  • 44 Reviews

    Browse reviews from people who have grown this plant.
    • Everyone is right about hummingbirds loving it. Bumblebees love it too. The plant never fails to reach close to 3 feet in height in a mostly sunny spot. The blue/ violet color is electric! The one and only downfall is that if seems to be easily damaged, even in a moderate breeze.! Eee The branches don't seem attached firmly to the main stalk. It seems that it's own weight alone is enough to make it snap down and completely off! Ive begun to use some supporting measures. I use green colored strips of velcro to wrap the branch where it is attached and pieces of metal wire bent into a Y shape to support the heaviest branches from underneath. Sounds like a bunch of work but I feel the payout is worth it and will continue to buy it for all its other great qualities.

      Julia Botti
      , Connecticut
      , United States
      , 4 years ago
    • I love this plant as do the Ruby Throat Hummingbirds. I have not been able to find this plant so far this year and miss having it at my sliding glass door . Going looking again today with mask and gloves!!

      Barbara Bankard
      , New Jersey
      , United States
      , 4 years ago
    • I moved in deep winter and unable to take it we with me. I desperately needs afew plants for my hummer haven.

      Elaine Zaricor
      , Tennessee
      , United States
      , 4 years ago
    • I have 2 of these in a raised bed. They are beautiful. they are large and full. Foliage is a bright green and the cobalt blue flowers are brilliant. Hummingbirds love them. Some leaves have browned a bit, not sure if sun damage or wind, not all of them just sporadic. I am hoping they survive our winter, not sure if they will. I hope to transplant into a larger cottage garden next spring with some coreopsis and peonies....fingers crossed.

      , Oregon
      , United States
      , 5 years ago
    • Purchased this plant the year it came out and planted it in my first garden. Im a zone 5/6, depending who ya talk to in Ohio, and it has come back each year. Takes a while to get out of the ground but when it does its quick to get going and start blooming at a foot tall. We recently moved and when I started my garden again I bought 5 new plants and again...they come back. I place these in full sun areas that are a little more on the dry side and they are so impressive not needing any fertilizers. Wont have a garden without them!

      Brad Johnson
      , Ohio
      , United States
      , 5 years ago
    • i grow this plant every year what a beautiful plant this

      kirk nelson
      , Iowa
      , United States
      , 7 years ago
    • Hummers, bumbles & bees love this Salvia!

      Mary S.
      , New Jersey
      , United States
      , 8 years ago
    • Under a Cercus Canadiensis, grows up through the low hanging branches and is literally everyone's favorite! Much taller than expected. Taller than Wendy's Wish adjacent. !Blooms & blooms!!!Hummingbirds adore it! Love this plant

      , California
      , United States
      , 9 years ago
    • I bought this plant one spring and put it in a blue pot. Loved it so much I cut it back and overwintered it, above freezing, for the next 3 years. It came back each spring and grew even more beautifully. Recommend it to anyone who can find it.

      Pamela Pilling
      , British Columbia
      , Canada
      , 10 years ago
    • I bought this plant one spring and put it in a blue pot. Loved it so much I cut it back and overwintered it, above freezing, for the next 3 years. It came back each spring and grew even more beautifully. Recommend it to anyone who can find it.

      Pamela Pilling
      , British Columbia
      , Canada
      , 10 years ago
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