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Mr. Poppins® Winterberry Ilex verticillata

Flower Season
  • Spring
  • Summer
Mature Size
4' 4' 1.2m 1.2m
Height: 3' - 4'
Spread: 3' - 4'
Height: 91cm - 1.2m
Spread: 91cm - 1.2m
  • Details

    36 - 48 Inches
    36 - 60 Inches
    36 - 48 Inches
    91cm - 1.2m
    91cm - 1.5m
    91cm - 1.2m


    This compact male winterberry is the ideal pollinator for Berry Poppins® or any Proven Winners® winterberry holly.

    Native to North America
    Small or Miniature


    Plant Type: 
    Shrub Type: 
    Height Category: 
    Garden Height: 
    36 - 48 Inches 91cm - 1.2m
    36 - 60 Inches 91cm - 1.5m
    36 - 48 Inches 91cm - 1.2m
    Flower Colors: 
    Foliage Colors: 
    Foliage Shade: 
    Container Role: 

    Plant Needs

    Light Requirement: 
    Part Sun to Sun
    Light Requirement: 

    The optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours).

    Maintenance Category: 
    Blooms On: 
    Old Wood
    Bloom Time: 
    Early Winter
    Bloom Time: 
    Mid Winter
    Bloom Time: 
    Late Winter
    Hardiness Zones: 
    3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b
    Water Category: 
    Uses Notes: 

    Because only one male plant is needed for fruit on up to 5 females, you can hide away this less showy plant in a less conspicuous part of your landscape, as long as it is within about 50' of the female plants.

    Maintenance Notes: 

    One male plant will pollinate up to 5 female plants; plant within 50' of one another to assure good pollination. Please see our Ultimate Guide to Winterberry Holly for more information.

    Adaptable to wet soils, does well in light and heavy soils. First class pick for planting in saturated areas. 

    It is best to avoid pruning winterberry hollies - pruning at any time of the year will impact the number of flowers and the quantity of fruit that the plant sets. Little pruning should be required, though very old branches can be removed in early spring if they are no longer producing vigorous growth. 


    Mr. Poppins® Ilex verticillata 'FARROWMRP' USPP 25,834, Can 5,287
  • 8 Reviews

    Browse reviews from people who have grown this plant.
    • Last spring, I planted three Berry Poppins ilex and one Mr. Poppins ilex to pollinate the females. All four plants were treated identically in the same location with drip irrigation. But the male, the ONE of the bunch that I needed to survive did not survive the winter. This is very much a bummer for a few reasons. First, the entire point of spending big bucks on four shrubs is now lost without the male. Also, these varieties are incredibly difficult to find locally. I would re-buy online, but the quality is just not good when buying online. I bought these online last year (one gallon) and the roots wouldn’t have even been able to fill out a quart sized container. I basically received an expensive gallon of potting soil. Hmph. Stop giving away your best specimens to YouTube “influencers” and save them for paying customers. I kid.

      , Indiana
      , United States
      , 44 weeks ago
    • Pre-ordered both Mr. Poppins as a pollinator for a Berry Heavy Gold back in December 2022. Received my plants spring of 2023. Planted per instructions next day. Berry Heavy Gold is leafing out spring of 2024 however Mr. Poppins didn't make it. No sign of life whatsoever and branches snap right off as they're dry as a bone. Shame as I didn't even get to see a single berry on Berry Heavy Gold last year. Will not purchase again.

      Jennifer E Gagnon
      , South Carolina
      , United States
      , 47 weeks ago
    • I bought this along with berry Poppins, the first year they were ok, I saw one berry. however both plants are dead now.

      , North Carolina
      , United States
      , 1 year ago
    • I bought one Mr. Poppins and four merry Poppins. Planted them last fall and they all started flowering this year (April 2021). We had a rough winter also here in the northeast. Hoping to see berries this winter. They are Planted in a mostly sunny area too.

      , Connecticut
      , United States
      , 3 years ago
    • I bought one Mr. Poppins and four merry Poppins. Planted them last fall and they all started flowering this year (April 2021). We had a rough winter also here in the northeast. Hoping to see berries this winter. They are Planted in a mostly sunny area too.

      , Connecticut
      , United States
      , 3 years ago
    • Very disappointed. The girls (Berry Poppins) are thriving but Mr, Poppins never took off and eventually died.

      Lisa Kelsey
      , Indiana
      , United States
      , 3 years ago
    • Didn't survive the first winter

      Karen Kinzig
      , Ohio
      , United States
      , 3 years ago
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