This plant is so gorgeous however I have tried for two years now to grow it and have notsucceeded. This first year two out of three survived the winter, I replaced the one, but then the two I had originally planted died this summer, they were getting the same water as the newly planted one, they flowered and then the crown of the plant seemed to dwindle down to sticks. I agree with some of the other reviews that this plant is not for zone 5. I have also seen in Garden Answer videos that Laura has struggled with this plant surviving too and she is a zone 6/7.
Meant to Bee® 'Royal Raspberry' Anise Hyssop Agastache hybrid
- Sun
- Summer
28 - 32 Inches28 - 32 Inches28 - 32 Inches71cm - 81cm71cm - 81cm71cm - 81cmFeatures
Rosy purple flowers with burgundy calyxes. Calyxes hold their color after the plant stops blooming, extending interest into fall. New foliage emerges with a burgundy cast in spring.
Fragrant FlowerDrought TolerantAttracts:BeesButterfliesHummingbirdsResists:DeerNative to North AmericaCharacteristics
Plant Type:PerennialHeight Category:MediumGarden Height:28 - 32 Inches 71cm - 81cmSpacing:28 - 32 Inches 71cm - 81cmSpread:28 - 32 Inches 71cm - 81cmFlower Colors:PurpleFlower Shade:Rosy purpleFoliage Colors:GreenFoliage Shade:Burgundy greenHabit:MoundedContainer Role:FillerPlant Needs
Light Requirement:SunThe optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours).
Maintenance Category:EasyBloom Time:Summer through FallHardiness Zones:5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9bWater Category:AverageSoil Fertility Requirement:Average SoilSoil Fertility Requirement:Fertile SoilSoil PH Category:Alkaline SoilSoil PH Category:Neutral SoilUses:Border PlantUses:ContainerUses:Cut FlowerUses:Dried FlowerUses:Mass PlantingMaintenance Notes:Heat and drought tolerant. Performs best in full sun with good drainage; add gravel to the soil if necessary.
Meant to Bee® 'Royal Raspberry' Agastache hybrid USPP 34,910, Can PBRAF -
8 Reviews
56431211Browse reviews from people who have grown this plant.-
Liz, Wisconsin, United States, 27 weeks ago
So gorgeous I had to buy two! They both survived the winter, but unfortunately the foliage came back a plain green and I specifically purchased it for it's lovely blue green color- now it just blends in with the other plants :/
jennifer, Massachusetts, United States, 34 weeks ago -
Beautiful plant in its first year! Sadly it did not survive the winter. Zone 5.
Julia Wallace, Wisconsin, United States, 39 weeks ago -
This is a showstopper of a plant! We bought two last year and they bloomed their absolute heads off. Every time we thought they must be finished, they started up again. Our odd, too-warm winter followed by harsh late frosts killed one of them--we're outside the official zone range in any case--but the other is gorgeously gearing up for summer flowering and we're definitely buying two more. I would cheerfully buy this plant fresh every spring; it's worth it. We put it up against some violet-blue salvia and some purple summer alliums and the three of them together were a knockout from July through September--and the salvia and agastache on though October, too!
Molly, Ontario, Canada, 42 weeks ago -
My new favorite! Ordered late spring and put into the ground on top end of berm, where it receives only rain water. Within 2 weeks it was blooming and it hasn’t stopped since. Fabulous performer in 7b with heat, no rain and high humidity. Must have more for next year.
Jesse, Georgia, United States, 1 year ago -
This plant is a stunner! Even in a busy bed full of flowering perennials, there’s no question that this one is the star of the show. The colourful calyxes make such a difference, and the bronze-blue foliage is also a wonderful addition to the bed. Highly recommend.
Molly, Ontario, Canada, 1 year ago -
I ordered one of these in the spring to try. Oh, my gosh! I must have more. It is located at the end of a berm in the full sun, where the irrigation is slim to none. It greets visitors as they pull into my driveway. It started blooming in May and I kept waiting for it to stop or slow down, but it has continued to bloom as it grows. Fabulous plant.
Jesse, Georgia, United States, 1 year ago -
I purchased 5 quart-sized Meant to Bee Royal Raspberry online last October. These are advertised as a Zone 5-9, and I'm in Zone 10a (Southwest Florida), so I knew I was taking a bit of a gamble - but they were too pretty to pass up! Planted in one of my front garden beds that gets 6+ hours of full sun each day and they thrived with very little attention (just a slow-release fertilizer on planting and supplemental water when they needed it). In a matter of months, they grew to nice 2x2 foot plants and the bees LOVE them. They're a beautiful cool-toned pink, and even the spent flowers look lovely. Will definitely be looking for more places to plant these around my home.
Kaycee, Florida, United States, 1 year ago
1 More color