Finding the Right Plant Articles
"Gardeners, Do Not Be Fooled" despite her delicate, frilly appearance Diamond Frost® is tough as nails.
This article covers plants great for landscape plantings.
Learn all about how to select and grow fabulous rose mallow, also known as perennial Hibiscus or dinner plate hibiscus.
JANE BEGGS-JOLESMarketing Specialist |
Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs are selected from the best the world has to offer – from far-away places like Korea and Poland to our stateside development and trial facility in Grand Haven, Michigan. Now, get the inside scoop, along with a bit of wit and humor, from a professional horticulturist who knows these shrubs because she’s grown them. Jane will share interesting tidbits about new introductions and old favorites alike, along with landscape ideas, trends, and advice on making our line of award-winning flowering shrubs work for your business.
Tired of planting the same thing every year for shade? Try these unique ideas.
Hostas and Yews are dependable standbys for shade, but there are many alternatives you may not have considered yet. Calycanthus, Itea, Tiarella and Coleus light up shady landscapes with their colorful foliage and fragrant blooms. Here are ten different shade plants you can use to give your clients’ shade gardens a little more spunk. Try pairing them with the unique shade planting partners suggested with each item.
Is your garden growing in full sun? If so, you'll need to select Proven Winners Perennials that thrive in six or more hours of direct sunlight each day. Here are some colorful ideas to keep your garden blooming from spring through fall.
If you are lucky enough to live in a part of the country where winter means it never freezes, then you are a lucky gardener!
Learn which perennials thrive in shade.